English saddles made in the UK, Fitted & Supplied Worldwide



Saddle Fitting: How it happens

Please note: Our advice, ideas and suggestions are free and entirely without obligation.

Step 1

Give us a call

We love “talking horses”….and saddles!
Anytime, including evenings & weekend.


Send us a message

E-mail: jane@saddlesworldwide.co.uk

WhatsApp: +44 (0) 7976 125235


Use one of our forms

Just fill it in and press send!

Step 2

Tell us about you and your horse or pony & the type of saddle you are looking for. Perhaps use our Free Consultation Form…. or just give us a call!

Send us a few photos and/or a video. What you have easily to hand is fine at this stage. Email or WhatsApp them!

Have a chat with Ian on the phone and/or a video call with your horse. Ian will give you his thoughts & ideas as to the ideal saddle and specification that will fulfil you and your horse’s needs & wishes.

Step 3

If you like what you’ve heard and wish to progress towards an order, we will need a template/tracing of your horse’s back.

We may also need some quite specific photos

Then have another chat with Ian!

Step 4

Place order!

Timescale is 4-6 weeks for your saddle to be made.

We’re here to help

At every step of the way, we are here to help. Please ask questions as they arise. More calls/video calls can be arranged as needed.

What do we need to know?

From the information you send to us and through your discussions with Ian, we will build up a picture of you and your horse, your requirements and preferences for the ideal saddle structure & design.

Our advice, ideas & suggestions are free and entirely without obligation.

So please tell us about:

  • The type, breed, age, condition & shape of your horse/pony
  • What you do/plan to do with the horse, whether you compete, if so in which discipline and at what level
  • Any fitting problems you are experiencing
  • Any problems you are having with the horse’s way of going
  • Any problems with your position, stability or balance
  • Your height, approx weight and proportions, for example maybe you are long/short in the leg
  • Your style/design preferences, for example, colour, type of seat, position and shape of knee/thigh rolls

Fitting Visits

If you live in the home counties, fitting visits by Ian are possible. For everywhere else both at home and abroad, we fit “remotely” following the process described on this web site.

We have now been offering our service for many, many years and for horses and owners all over the UK and around the world! We support our service with a full money back guarantee. The success of our service is reflected in the fact that we have so rarely had to fulfil our obligations under this guarantee and indeed have “Happy Customers Worldwide”!